Monday, May 3, 2010

Mathay to implement improved Yellow Card for QC

Something to look forward to in a much improved Mathay administration.
Let's be realistic only Mathay is the one with true executive experience...would you leave the progress of QC be in the hands of a comedian--seriously?

An upgraded health care program for QC, vows Mathay
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 22:38:00 05/01/2010
INDEPENDENT QUEZON CITY mayoral bet Mel Mathay Jr. vowed to upgrade the city’s health care program, saying residents can look forward to more benefits when he returns to his former post.

While it is easy to allocate P500 million to establish a health card system, ensuring that it can provide the intended benefits is an entirely different matter, he added.

“Giving residents a card will not address the city’s health problems
because the conditions here in Quezon City are different from other cities in Metro Manila,” Mathay said, in obvious reference to proposals made by other candidates to implement a program similar to the popular “yellow card” scheme in Makati City.

“My opponents keep on saying that it’s just a matter of realigning the budget and giving away these cards, but it is not as simple as that. We first need to create a health program designed specifically for Quezon City,” Mathay said.

The mayoral bet stressed the need to improve the quality of the city’s public hospitals as well as entering into a mutually beneficial agreement with the private medical institutions.

Mathay said he will also institute improvements on the Quezon City General Hospital and the Novaliches District Hospital, and establish more hospitals and medical facilities.

He also plans to increase the number of barangay health centers in the city.


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